How much time and energy do you lose every day because someone steals your attention?
We understand. It’s difficult to focus on the important. Especially when you are met with calls, unplanned meetings, constant emails and messages. And of course with colleagues asking “Do you have 5 minutes?”
Well, you can spare five minutes… but wait. Another unexpected meeting with a client, a quick email and suddenly it’s evening already. And the most important project was left unfinished.
There’s so much going on at once that stress builds up, details are forgotten and things are a mess. Deadlines are approaching, but you don’t want to let your team down.
Maybe you even feel like you’ve failed as a family member or friend because you can’t focus on people when you are with them? Instead, you’re constantly stressed out thinking about work and different projects.
You ask yourself why you are doing all this in the first place… And where will it lead?
Do you want to get the truly important things done and change for the better? It’s possible, and we’ll show your team how.
Take back control over your life.
What is the solution? Learn to manage your time, energy and focus.
Easier said than done? That’s why we’ve created the Time Management Master Class. It’s a course for competent teams, where we’ve brought together the secrets of time management from leading thinkers.
You’ll learn to focus deeply and really prioritise. This greatly reduces stress and boosts productivity.
Maybe you are thinking: “Oh, no… another course”. These nice courses have been done before, but life goes on as usual. Is it worth it?
Our mission is to help your team become truly productive. This means that our main goal is not to give you interesting information. For that, you could simply Google “time management” and find 6.4 billion pages to read.
The real goal is to deliver change. To design a tool that will help you put what you’ve learned into practice. Because only then will life improve for your team and you’ll achieve powerful results.
Does your team need these results?
The 8800+ people who have completed the Time Management Master Class have experienced the following positive results.
You can focus on work
You will no longer lose an entire workday just to deal with incessant emails, unexpected problems or questions from colleagues. You'll finally be able to work undisturbed and really focus. You can really maintain attention.
Important tasks get done
After, you'll feel content because your highest-priority tasks get done efficiently and with excellent quality. You will no longer just be extinguishing fires but will finally be able to carry out strategically important tasks.
You will stop procrastinating
You will no longer procrastinate on important tasks that seem unpleasant or require a lot of effort. Instead, you'll reduce stress and take pride in having ended the procrastination cycle and finishing your commitments on time.
What will our collaboration look like?
We will identify shortcomings in the preparatory phase, find solutions during the course, and support you in the follow-up phase.
A brief pre-questionnaire for participants to fill in, and calls with team leaders, will help us provide solutions that will bring the greatest benefits to your team.
The course can be booked without the follow-up, but the support it offers will increase the likelihood of implementing the learnt skills many times over.
The topics covered
The topics covered, length and schedule of the course will be tailored to the needs of your team.
Deep Focus
How to work undisturbed and focus deeply? What kind of environment and habits are necessary? At the end of a workday you'll feel content because your highest-priority tasks get done efficiently and with excellent quality.
How to prioritise in a busy time when everything seems important? If you know how to do this, you'll have clarity about what tasks are really important to you and how to get them done. You no longer have to find that all the time has gone by and nothing seems to have got done.
Organising tasks
There's so much going on at once that stress builds up, details are forgotten and things are a mess? We'll help you bring to-do lists, projects and ideas together in a single trustworthy system. This will give you more control over your life and reduce stress.
Your Personal Vision
What are your biggest dreams for work, family, hobbies and life overall? By creating an inspiring vision of what your life will look like in five years' time in different areas of your life, you'll get the lasting motivation you need to achieve ambitious goals at work and in your personal life.
What will you learn?
A sneak peek of what you'll learn at the Time Management Master Class<br>
and put it into practice.
You’ll discover the secrets of how top performers stay focused, allowing you to concentrate deeply and get the same amount of work done much faster and to a higher standard.
You will create a trustworthy time management system to help organise your thoughts, projects and ideas in a single place. It will give you a realistic overview of your tasks.
You’ll map your energy zones and discover what time of day is most productive for you and how to reap the most benefits.
You’ll learn how to prioritise your day and week successfully, so that even in the busiest of times, you can complete not just small and urgent tasks, but important and difficult ones.
You’ll get a simple but brilliant tool that guarantees you won’t forget things anymore and gives you the chance to keep promises to both yourself and others.
You’ll understand techniques to help you avoid procrastination, even when motivation is low and you’re facing difficult tasks.
"We're soooooooo glad we met you and got our things in order. We immediately implemented deep work time."
— Evely Kukk, HR Manager, STACC OÜ
Multiply your results through the follow-up
Studies on the effectiveness of courses have found that supportive follow-up can increase the applicability of what has been learned by up to five times.
We can help you more
What is the follow-up?
The two-month follow-up does not require much time at all from your team, but it will increase the likelihood of implementing what you have learned manyfold. We will decide together which elements will bring you the greatest benefit.
Follow-up meeting
About a month after the course is the ideal time to get together again for two hours to share experiences, go deeper into the topic and share further tips to increase productivity. No, it's not another video call, we're going to show up.
Habit-tracking & supportive conversation
We'll set up a chat via a communication channel that works for you, like Slack, Messenger or Teams. This provides an excellent way to track new habits at the outset, to keep the topic fresh and thus better implement change.
Mentoring with the leader
A study published in the Harvard Business Review claimed that around 75% of business change initiatives fail mainly because of mismanaging change. We offer mentoring for your leaders to maximise the potential for change.
Impact analysis
The traditional approach often leaves the question of "Was there any benefit from the course?" unanswered. The day itself was certainly great, but how many people actually changed their behaviour and habits?
We do it differently. After the follow-up we'll do an impact analysis to see if we achieved the desired results.
What do the participants have to say?
CEOs and employees share how the Master Class has helped them.
"Produktiivsusklubi’s team are great role models with their productivity – they teach exactly what they themselves are fantastic at. 30 of our employees took the course and were very pleased with the results. This is a master class on productivity for those who are advanced and want to improve their productivity - meeting these prerequisites will yield the best results. Thank you, Produktiivsusklubi team!"
– Kaarel Suuk, CEO, Ensto Ensek AS
"Productivity and working smart has been encoded into Seisuk’s team DNA. However, when assignments pile up, it tends to be forgotten. Produktiivsusklubi's course takes the difficult topic of time management and makes it both simple and applicable. Large emphasis has been put on setting the goal of the course through preparatory work, and achieving said goals through cooperative post-course check-ins. I recommend 10/10."
– Karl Kuusk, Development Lead, Seisuk OÜ
"Koolitus oli üles ehitatud meie meeskonna vajadustest lähtuvalt ja oli hästi praktiline. Tulemus on see, et lisaks isiklike segajate kõrvaldamisele suutsime panna paika ühised kokkulepped, mis tähendab, et kõigil on võimalus rahulikult keskenduda ja suuri asju ellu viia. Teisalt pole reeglid liialt piiravad, et ei saaks teistega suhelda ja selle tõttu muud probleemid tekiksid. Vaatasin just ühel hommikul kontoris ringi ja kohe oli õhust tunda, et kõik ragistavad vaikuse tunnil enda “ajusid” ja nii mõnus oli toimetada. Õhtul päevale tagasi vaadates saan tunda rahulolu, et päeva jooksul sai nii palju tehtud."
"Produktiivsusklubi aitas meie meeskonnal oma ajajuhtimissüsteem ja reeglid üle vaadata ning meie jaoks kohandatud uute lähenemistega seda paremaks muuta. Suurt kasu tõi ka see, et see ei olnud vaid ühekordne koolitus. Meil olid mitmed check-in'id ja iteratsiooni sessioonid, mida vedas Produktiivsusklubi ning mis aitasid tagada igaühe jaoks sobiva süsteemi juurutamise. Meeskonna tagasiside on olnud väga positiivne ja seega soovitan neid ka teistele."
"Enne koolitust sain kõik jooksvad ülesanded kenasti tehtud, aga kui proovisin aega võtta arendusega seotud tegevusteks, mis tulevikus minu või teiste aega vabastaks, siis tulid uued ja “põlevad” asjad peale. Kui päeva lõpuks olid kõik jooksvad tööülesanded tehtud ja meilid vastatud, siis kahjuks ei jätkunud enam energiat oluliste ja keskendumist nõudvate tegevuste täitmiseks. Produktiivsusklubi koolitusel sain uusi teadmisi, mille tõttu olen oma igapäevase tööplaani ümber korraldanud selliseks, et jõuaks keskenduda nii pikematele arendustegevustele kui jooksvatele “põlevatele” küsimustele. Tegime koolitusel tiimiga ühised kokkulepped, mida igapäevaselt jälgime. Hea on nii töötada, et rasked ja olulised asjad ka tehtud saavad."
"Mulle meeldib olla organiseeritud ja seetõttu olen aastate jooksul proovinud mitmeid erinevaid ülesannete haldamise süsteeme kalendermärkmikutest erinevate to-do list tüüpi tarkvarade kasutamisega. Kuid ikka ja jälle olen ma avastanud, et kõik vajalik info on mitmes kohas laiali. Tänu Produktiivsusklubi ajaplaneerimissüsteemile on mu elu ja töö haldamine saanud uue hingamise ja taseme. Seda süsteemi peaks õpetama absoluutselt kõigile."
"Olen aastaid kasutanud erinevaid süsteeme, et ajaplaneerimine kontrolli all hoida, kuid Produktiivsusklubi tõstis selle järgmisele tasemele. Enim naudin asjaolu, et ma ei muretse enam nii palju - koolitus aitas luua süsteemi, kus igapäevased mõtted saavad koheselt kirja ning iga väiksem ja suurem idee/projekt leiab õigel ajal oma koha. See on otsus, mis aitab säilitada fookuse tegutsemisel ning lõpetab tarbetu nn asjade peas keerlemise."
"Tundsin 80% ajast, et ma ei jõua puhata, sest kogu aeg on mingi umbmäärane hunnik asju, mida peaksin tegema. Tundsin, et pea läheb kiiresti sassi ja lubadused olid kerged murduma. Asjad lihtsalt ei jäänud meelde. Kuigi sain Produktiivsusklubi koolitusest vaid lühiversiooni, on see mind palju aidanud. Saan nüüd puhkuse ajal (õhtud ja nädalavahetused) rahulikult puhata. Jõuan nüüd sama ajaga rohkem teha ning isegi uni on õhtul kiirem tulema."
"Enne koolitust mõtlesin, et mul pole sellist asja vaja, sest asjad saavad ilusti tähtajaks tehtud. Pärast sain aru, et koolitusest oli väga palju kasu. Parim näide on see, suudan õhtuti kohe magama jääda, sest ei pea erinevaid mõtteid ja kohustusi peas hoidma."
"Tundsin end abikaasana ja isana pidevalt eemalolevana, kuna peas kerisid ainult töö mõtted, mis häirisid nii palju, et ma ei suutnud lähedastele inimestele keskenduda ja nende seltskonda nautida. Teadsin, et vajan mingit süsteemi, mis aitaks mind, kuid mille kasutamine oleks samas lihtne ja kiire. See kõik muutus, kui osalesin Produktiivsusklubi koolitusel. Seal ma omandasin uued harjumused ja tehnika. Õppisin kuidas oma mõtteid, projekte ja aega korrastada nii, et kõik saaks tehtud ning ma saaksin nautida hetke."
"Vajasin mingit süsteemi, mida saaksin usaldada, aga mis oleks samal ajal ka piisavalt lihtne. Mul oli vaja süsteemi, mis mind ei aheldaks, vaid vabastaks mu aega. Osalesin Produktiivsusklubi koolitusel ja see on mind väga palju aidanud."
"Läbisin Arno Lehtsaare juhtimisel koolituse ja pean tõdema, et kasutan ehitatud süsteeme igapäevaselt. Ma kergelt koolitusi ei soovita, aga need tunnid olid küll investeering kogu eluks."
“Ma olen koguaeg pidanud end pigem süsteemseks inimeseks. Mu isiksus juba ei luba mul lihtsalt jätta midagi juhuse hooleks, vaid kõik peab olema hästi planeeritud. Tänu Produktiivsusklubile sain viia oma süsteemsuse uuele levelile. Ja mis saaks olla veel parem, kui koondada kõik ma igapäevased mõtted, ideed ja projektid ühte kohta! Tänud praktilise koolituse eest ja kiidusõnad koolitajale!”
"Mu elus tuli üpris sagedasti ette olukordi, kus elukaaslane palus mingi asja ära teha, kuid kui hiljem uuriti, kaugel ma sellega olen, siis pidin piinlikkusega tõdema, et läks meelest ära ja et "võtan kohe ette". Nüüd võin uhkusega öelda, et lubatud tegevused pole tänu kursusel õpitud süsteemile enam kordagi unustusehõlma jäänud."
"Produktiivsusklibi takes the very complex topic of time management and makes it nice, simple and applicable I recommend, 10/10.”
— Karl Kuusk, Head of Development, Seisuk OÜ
Meet your real-life-practitioner coaches
We apply the same principles we teach on a day-to-day basis. We have other activities, families and much more in addition to Produktiivsusklubi. That's why we know how the principles we teach work in real life.
Arno Lehtsaar
In 2018, he gave up a successful sales career to dedicate himself to Produktiivsusklubi and self-development. He graduated in Quality Management and wrote his thesis on quality assurance and measurement in courses. He also likes creating systems, spending time with those closest to him and winning at everything.
Boris Ümarik
His eyes light up when he sees people improve their lives by learning something useful. Boris has extensive experience in the start-up world, specifically in business development, and he is passionate about developing self-management skills. He enjoys spending time with loved ones and being in nature: hiking, surfing and cold water swimming.
"The course was tailored to the needs of our team and was very practical."
— Stina Abner, Recruitment Associate, CVO
Frequently Asked Questions
You have a question?
Yes, possibly even more. That’s because as productive people you’ve already taken responsibility for your own development and you know there’s always a next level. This means you’re ready to learn, to make the necessary changes and to become even better. This probably makes you our ideal client.
No, with in-house training we tailor the course to your expectations and needs so you get the most out of it. We can do a short seminar or design a comprehensive multi-day course for you. Contact us to set up a precise plan.
Let’s be honest: creating new habits is not easy. However… when has something really useful been easy?
The time it takes depends on the habit. We can provide habit-tracking and an impact analysis after two months in the follow-up to see how your team is performing.
Some of the first successes can be had the very next day. For example, one person wrote about their first success the very next workday:
“This kind of time management really takes efficiency to the next level, as you get to do a series of tasks that require deep focus and reflection. There is also enough time to think strategically and to play out possible future development scenarios.”
An organisation is only as strong as its people. We are convinced that a productivity course can be one of the best ROI investments ever. In the follow-up, we can measure the results achieved thanks to the course.
When change works, people’s workday becomes more efficient and you will be able to move towards your goals faster. All this will directly increase your company’s success and finances. Read here,what previous clients have said.
If needed, we can do the course in English. We don’t offer the course in Russian because я не понимаю по-русски!
At the moment we only offer the course for one. We’re happy to come if you can get your team and leaders on board.
If you have made it here,...'re probably ready. Get in touch and take your team's productivity to the next level.